The blue color way on bluenose pitbulls is in fact a diluted form of another color. Pitbulls....
Dog breeds with very short faces and hardly any snout are known as “brachycephalic” and gets a...
This is an age old question where theology and humans conflict with one another. The Word of...
Studies show cruelty to animals and violence towards people has a common theme. Victims are living things,...
Well-groomed pets are not only looks good but also make them feel good and comfortable. Grooming pets...
For parrots and other household birds, roaming outside the cage is the best time. Birds need to...
If you have come back to a house after a trip and find your pillows are trashed,...
Protecting your loving pets from flees, ticks, and heart worms should be part of your pet health...
Soon summer will end and in no time winter will roll in. Cool months require different treatment...
We all know very well benefits of having a pet. But, do you know that pet can...